Write a C program to implement linked file allocation by considering the following assumptions and given sample input and output.
Assume that the free disk space that is available is between 1 and 100. And the blocks are linked in order i.e 1 is linked to 2, 2 is linked to 3 ….. and 99 is linked to 100. If a certain block is allocated to a file, say 4, then 3 will be linked to 5.
Assume that 'n' blocks are already allocated to files. Write a C program to allocate space for 1 file using Linked File Allocation. Always assume that the starting block is a free block.
Input format:
Input consists of a number of blocks already allocated ( int ), n allocated block numbers ( int ), name ( string), Start of the block ( int ), and length ( int ) of the file to be allocated disk space. Enter allocated block numbers in ascending order.
Output format:
The output consists of file allocation details using linked allocation technique after allocating the input file.
[ Refer Sample Input and Output for further details ]
Sample Input and Output:
[ All text in bold corresponds to input ]
Enter the number of allocated blocks
Enter the block numbers of allocated blocks
Enter the name of the file
Enter the starting block allocated to the file
Enter the length of the file
F1 File Allocation Details
3-> Allocated to F1
4-> Already Allocated
5-> Allocated to F1
6-> Already Allocated
7-> Already Allocated
8-> Allocated to F1
9-> Allocated to F1
10-> Already Allocated
11-> Allocated to F1
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,bl,arr[100],le,k,start,i; char name[100]; printf("Enter the number of allocated blocks\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the block numbers of allocated blocks\n"); for(i=0;i<100;i++){ arr[i]=0; } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&bl); arr[bl]=bl; } printf("Enter the name of the file\n"); scanf("%s",name); printf("Enter the starting block allocated to the file\n"); scanf("%d",&start); printf("Enter the length of the file\n"); scanf("%d",&le); printf("%s File Allocation Details\n",name); for(i=start,k=0;i<100 && k<le;i++) { if(arr[i]==0){ printf("%d - Allocated to %s\n",i,name); k++; } else{ printf("%d - Already Allocated\n",i); } } }