DDL Statements:DDL statements or commands are used to define and modify the database structure of your tables or schema. When you execute a DDL statement, it takes effect immediately.
Some commands of DDL are:
- CREATE – to create table (objects) in the database
- ALTER – alters the structure of the database
- DROP – delete table from the database
- TRUNCATE – remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are removed
- COMMENT – add comments to the data dictionary
- RENAME – rename a table
DML StatementsData Manipulation Language (DML) statements or commands are used for managing data within tables. Some commands of DML are:
Some commands of DML are:
- SELECT – retrieve data from the a database
- INSERT – insert data into a table
- UPDATE – updates existing data within a table
- DELETE – deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain
- MERGE – UPSERT operation (insert or update)
- CALL – call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram
- LOCK TABLE – control concurrency
DDL statements or commands are used to define and modify the database structure of your tables or schema. When you execute a DDL statement, it takes effect immediately.
Some commands of DDL are:
- CREATE – to create table (objects) in the database
- ALTER – alters the structure of the database
- DROP – delete table from the database
- TRUNCATE – remove all records from a table, including all spaces allocated for the records are removed
- COMMENT – add comments to the data dictionary
- RENAME – rename a table
DML Statements
Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or commands are used for managing data within tables. Some commands of DML are:
Some commands of DML are:
- SELECT – retrieve data from the a database
- INSERT – insert data into a table
- UPDATE – updates existing data within a table
- DELETE – deletes all records from a table, the space for the records remain
- MERGE – UPSERT operation (insert or update)
- CALL – call a PL/SQL or Java subprogram
- LOCK TABLE – control concurrency
Schema Diagram
Query with Solution
1. Write a query to create a table 'electricity_connection_type'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
create table electricity_connection_type
(id INT(11) primary key,connection_name VARCHAR(20) not null);
2. Write a query to create a table 'slab'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
create table slab(id INT(11) primary key,connection_type_id INT(11) not null,
from_unit INt(11) not null,to_unit int(11) not null,rate Double not null ,
FOREIGN KEY(connection_type_id) REFERENCES
3. Write a query to create a table 'building_type'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
create table building_type(id int(11) primary key, name varchar(100) not null,
connection_type_id int(11) not null, foreign key(connection_type_id)
references electricity_connection_type(id));
4. Write a query to create a table 'building'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
create table building(id int(11) primary key,owner_name varchar(100) not null,
address varchar(100) not null, building_type_id int(11) not null,contact_number
varchar(100) not null,email_address varchar(100),foreign key(building_type_id)
references building(connection_type_id));
5. Write a query to alter the column 'owner_name' to 'building_owner_name' in the
table 'building'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
ALTER TABLE building CHANGE owner_name building_owner_name varchar(100);
6. Write a query to change the datatype of the column address in the table 'building' to
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
ALTER TABLE building MODIFY address varchar(255);
7. Write a query to create a constraint which allows only 'commercial' or 'home'
connection_name in the 'electricity_connection_type' table.Specify constraint
name as 'check_connection_name'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.
ALTER TABLE electricity_connection_type ADD CONSTRAINT
check_connection_name check('connection_name'='commercial' or
8. Write a query to rename table 'building' to 'building_details'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
ALTER TABLE building RENAME TO building_details;
9. Write a query to drop table 'slab'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
drop table slab;
10. Write a query to drop table 'building_details'.
Hint: Refer the schema diagram for the field names and its data type of the table.Ans:
drop table building_details;
11. Write a query to insert any 2 records into the 'electricity_connection_type' table.
insert into electricity_connection_type values(1,'home');
insert into electricity_connection_type values(2,'Comercial');
12. Write a query to insert any 3 records into the 'slab' table.
insert into slab values(1,1,2,8,1.0);
insert into slab values(2,2,10,15,2.0);
insert into slab values(3,2,20,25,3.0);
13. Write a query to insert any 5 records into the 'building_type' table.
insert into building_type values(1,'fsociety',1),(2,'MrRobot',2),(3,'Eliot',1),
14. Write a query to insert any 5 records into the 'building' table.
insert into building values
15. Write a query to change the from_unit value from 0 to 1 in the 'slab' table.
update slab set from_unit = 1 where from_unit = 0;
16. Write a query to change the name 'Shopping Mall' to 'Mall' in the building_type table.
update building_type
set name = 'Mall'
where name = 'Shopping Mall';
17. Write a query to change the owner_name 'Haidil' to 'Aiden' in the 'building' table.
update building
set owner_name = 'Aiden'
where owner_name = 'Haidil';
18. Write a query to delete the entire details of the table 'slab'.
truncate table slab;
19. Write a query to delete the rows from the table 'building_type' where
the electricity connection is home .
Hint: The connection_type_id for home is 1.Ans:
delete from building_type
where connection_type_id = 1;
20. Write a query to delete the details of building whose owner_name is
'Muhammad Hafaz'.
delete from building
where owner_name = 'Muhammad Hafaz';